New Braunfels City Council Approves Potential 2023 Bond Projects

Many park projects were considered in the review of project for the 2023 Bond Election. Mission Hill Park Completion is on the May 2023 Bond Election.

Project objectives:

  • Provide recreational space for residents west of Loop 337
  • Historical preservation and education

Project scope:

  • Observation towers and natural surface trails
  • Overflow parking and restrooms
  • Exterior deck and elevated boardwalk
  • Educational exhibits

Risks and constraints:

TCEQ, drainage, historic review

Estimated project costs:

$7.8M Total | $807K Design | $6.7M Construction | $264K Additional Costs

PER UPDATE: recommended funding including inflation and staff costs: $12.1M

Project and preliminary design considerations:

  • Provide additional recreation opportunities for residents. Currently, no public parks are located west of Loop 337.
  • Preservation of  native plants and protection of wildlife habitat
  • Provide historic and environmental education opportunities
  • Phase 1 currently in construction

Other projects were considered such as, Landa Park Pedestrian Circulation, Guadalupe River Acres Park, Northwest Community Parkland Aquisition, Callen’s Castle, HEB Soccer Renovation, and West Alligator Creek Trail & Park. This last project has been recommended for funding byt the New Braunfels Economic Development Committee (4B) as well as a feasibility study for Dry Comal Creek Greenway Segment 2.

Perk Your Park Contest Winner!

In 2021 New Braunfels’ Fischer Park selected as winner of Niagara Perk Your Park contest. One of two winning projects in the 2021 Niagara Perk Your Park Contest. The project was in design and development during 2022. The project was completed January 2023 thanks to a donation fromt he NB Parks Foundation for $17,822.

2020 Community Blood Drive

Giving Back in a Time of Need

On Saturday, December 5, 2020 members of the Parks Foundation volunteered time to help the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center gather highly needed, blood donations for our community. Blood donations were by appointment only and followed CDC guidelines for masking and physical-distancing. In total, 38 donations were made on Saturday. The Park Foundation raffled off 4 awesome donations.

Congratulations to our winners!!

2019 All Ability Park Projects

Today city leaders, community leaders, and staff official gathered to celebrate the completion on new all-ability playground park equipment at two local parks—Landa Park and Morningside Park check out the cool stuff—we love our parks!! READ MORE.

Market Plaza Ribbon Cutting

The City of New Braunfels will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly renovated Market Plaza on Wednesday, January 29th at 4:30 p.m.

Market Plaza is one of the city’s very first parks. Renovations were made possible by the New Braunfels Parks Foundation and the efforts of all past volunteers from the Wein & Saengerfest. The proceeds accumulated from festival for the past five years paid for the $125,000 Phase 1 improvements to the park. New features include picnic tables, pergolas, sod, trees and water fountain.

“We are thrilled to bring this much needed improvement to Market Plaza,” said Stacey Dicke, Parks and Recreation Director. “This is the perfect opportunity for residents to experience the renovations.”

For additional information contact the City of New Braunfels Parks and Recreation Department at 830-221-4350.

Foundation Presents Market Plaza Donation

On Tuesday, May 28th the New Braunfels Parks Foundation presented a check to the City of New Braunfels for $125,000. This donation will go towards the Market Plaza Renovations. For more information about the project click here.

The New Braunfels Parks Foundation has identified Market Plaza as the recipient of funds from Wein & Saengerfest for park improvements. Market Plaza is a 0.7 acre park located at 292 Tolle Street in Downtown New Braunfels. The park currently features benches, a drinking fountain and landscape bed. The New Braunfels Parks Foundation funded the installation of irrigation at Market Plaza in early 2014, using proceeds from the 2013 Wein and Saengerfest. To create a Master Plan for the park the Parks and Recreation Department sought input from stakeholders including the Downtown Association, Historic Landmark Commission, Downtown Board and neighborhood residents through a series of public meetings and an online survey


Wein & Saengerfest Raffle Winner!

Huge thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle at Wein and Saengerfest to raise money for our Expression Swing! The winner is Jen R. with her guess being closest—327.

The total corks in the jar were 329!

NBIDC Approves Additional Funding

On Thursday, April 20th the City of New Braunfels Industrial Development Corporation (4B Board) voted to support Landa Park Miniature Golf renovation project in the amount of $75,000. New Braunfels City Council approved this action on May 8, 2017.

Work at the course is currently underway. Demolition and trenching for irrigation and electrical is done and concrete is being poured to form new holes. Expected completion is summer 2017.

We are working with the New Braunfels Evening Lions Club to construct the new arbor entryway and sign post for each hole. For additional information about the Landa Park Miniature Golf renovation project visit the project page here.